”I do suffocate… at times”

version 1: ”Spurring factor” Gallery Kobro, Łódź, Poland, 2017 /
version 2: MEM Experimental Arts International Festival,
Bilbao, Spain, 2017 /
version 3: Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, Poland, 2018

The simultaneous sensation of opposites is present with me since childhood. Then it turned out that I suddenly began to suffer from so-called ‘Child asthma’. Simultaneous learning of the limitations of the body to which I had no influence and the beginning of consciousness: how much action of breathing I needed, was an impulse for this strange and accelerated self-discovery.
Penetrating anger and discovering the new ‘I’ was also a double experience: anger and stimulate. from that time, nothing was the same again, and the ‘suffocation’ initially felt only by the body, becoming more mental form.
The double experience of opposites from student’s time – led me to a place where outside of the body – freedom – is an inestimable aspect of my being. All the special spirits created by the situation, society and politics are rape and believe like never before. Dominance and hierarchy cause us to eat ourselves, and diseases so-called: civilization diseases. The result of directing anger on yourself and your body. Society does not accept violence, although it still uses social relationships (as wrote Henri Laborit).
Today we know how the human brain functions, and yet we maintain dominance and hierarchy as values for adaptation to a flock / family / state. So, I do suffocate, at times…

1st & 2nd version photos included:
– childhood
– graduation certificate
– moment of freedom, Modinagar, India, 1999
– visualization of the ‘state’, drawing, 2017
3rd version documents, photos included:
– childhood
– graduation certificate
– moment of freedom, Modinagar, India, 1999
– microcontroler, motion sensor, mask, documents, drawings, photographs, video ”Like Mother, like Son”, foil, air pumps, plywoods